Homeschool Methods
May 31, 2022
Start researching methods of homeschooling and stand amazed at the myriad of choices. They can be overwhelming when it feels like a major commitment is being made. Before the menu is laid out, here’s one nugget of wisdom: remember that WE are the master of the curriculum, it’s not the master of us.
Embrace this concept to make it easier to shop the choices and know that, unlike traditional school, if it’s not working change it up! Curriculum can be bought and sold easily online or among the homeschool community anytime of the year. What burdens one family could be a treasure to another. Know that it’s common to ebb and flow through various styles and methods many times throughout the homeschool journey -- perhaps choosing contrasting styles or maintaining a foundational love of one method, but still branching off as seasons require.
Drama caused by curriculum demands are not worth it, homeschool mama! The battle is to keep their heart, relationships win! Trust us and take the experience, not as a failure, but as a celebration of discovering your style.
That said, we’ve divided the specific methods into two groups and encourage you to check out at least a couple of them in both groups. Pray for guidance and wisdom, shop for deals and/or gently used items and especially utilize public and homeschool resource libraries. We hope it brings empowerment in your research and decision-making process.
More Traditional Methods:
Charlotte Mason
Hybrid Schools
Multiple Intelligences
Online Schools
Traditional/classroom at home
Unit Studies
Off the Beaten Path:
Umbrella Schools
World Schooling
We hope this list gives you a springboard in your planning efforts. It comes with the reminder that you are free to make the school day as you see fit. After all, this list is just made up words that a parent or educator created as they saw fit.
Your family is unique and special and doesn’t fit any mold except that of the awesome Creator who has better plans than anyone else!
Keep Jeremiah 29:11 in mind: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Pray to Him for direction, have fun looking, together with your kids and husband, at resources and find out their interests, ideas and goals. Planning together brings a child a feeling of ownership and accountability which will go a long way when the daily becomes a bit of a grind.
Freedom, creativity, innovation are all at your fingertips. Use the resources provided to you, come up with your own plans or hire help to plan for you. Just let it be a time of excitement and don’t give in to feelings of overwhelm.
We would love to see what you come with and help you along the way. Join our community for more support -- we will help you gather the best of your ideas and see them come to fruition.
You are not alone. We are here to help you to be encouraged, be enlightened, and be empowered!
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