Playground Workout for Homeschool Moms: Boost Energy & Sleep
Feb 12, 2023
"He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He restore my soul. He guides me along paths of righteousness for His name's sake." ~Psalm 23:2-3
Homeschool mom, are you finding it difficult to find time for self care?
For me, a good night’s sleep was a necessity. It’s the one thing that, when not gotten, made my mind feel like mush and prompt responses throughout the school day like: “Give me a minute to process that, I didn’t sleep well last night.”
I learned early on in our homeschool journey that quality sleep was a high priority if I wanted to show up and keep up with the kids. When you are your children's teacher, poor sleep translates differently than just mom duties. Therefore, I developed a plan that was easily implemented into our routine, The Playground Workout.
When my kids and I ended our homeschool day after working hard at home, we looked forward to heading down the street to our local park and playground. And I knew that would be the perfect...and honestly the only…time for me to fit in a workout which would bring on the zzz’s that night.
First, let’s address the common response of: “I can’t workout at the playground where everyone will see me!” Listen, mama nobody cares…really. We’re all consumed with our own lives to spend time all up in yours. It’s more likely that the moms around the picnic table will be encouraging and possibly join in every so often. Don’t let someone else stand in the way of you and your need for rest and wellness….listen to the marketing geniuses and just do it!
Second, disclaimer that we are NOT personal trainers or medical workers and advise getting clearance from your physician about any physical activity you’re thinking of adding to your life. We are simply giving you a tour of how we used the playground, and we ask that you consult a professional before trying anything. We are simply sharing our experience.
Now that’s out of the way, let’s look at the basic concept within the zones of the playground equipment. Promise, you won’t ever look at them the same again!
Here is your plan for a playground workout that you can squeeze in anywhere in your homeschool day.
Playground workout Zone 1. Sidewalks and Paths:
Jump rope
Walking lunges
Playground workout Zone 2. Picnic Tables and Benches:
Upper body: push ups, tricep dips
Lower body: step ups, V-ups, jumps ups
Playground workout Zone 3. Stairs & Slides:
Run and bunny hop up and down
Playground workout Zone 4. Climbing structures:
Race your kids to the top
Playground workout Zone 5. Structures from which to hang your feet:
Great lower ab/core work
Playground workout Zone 6. Handrails and Ramps:
Use for balance for stretching/calf raises/squats
Playground workout Zone 7. Trails:
Keep sneakers and socks in your vehicle so you’re always ready to take a brisk walk.
That’s it! That’s how we utilized the playground equipment which transferred to a good, quality night sleep. We relied on this and looked forward to the time it afforded us outdoors with our kids. We encourage you to get out there and have fun!
We pray this blesses you, and please reach out with any questions: [email protected]
Be enlightened,
This article was written with care by us, real humans. No AI invited.😜❤️️
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